Friday, April 4, 2014

Glue Sticks and Double Sided Stickies!

These tools are making life easier these days... 

I'm working on the Marvelous Monday Meals cookbooks, and without glue sticks and double-sided stick-its, I would be having a difficult time with it.  They allow me to stick in the pictures!  And what's a good cookbook without pictures?  It's not a good cookbook, that's for sure ;).

I could do it digitally.  And I probably will for the digital copy.  But I'd already ordered something like 200 pictures before I had that thought occur to me.  Plus it works out about the same price-wise and is actually faster this way, since I have Wal-Mart doing all the work of printing out the pictures in good quality.  Our printer can do it (and has, for the day I forgot my camera and had to take cell phone pictures of the food), but to get the high quality, it prints really slowly.

So I'm happy doing it this way.  And I'm having a ton of fun with it :).

And I'm grateful for those geniuses who came up with glue sticks and double-sided stickies.  Because they are awesome.

What are you grateful for today?

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