Sunday, June 15, 2014

My Heavenly Father

Seeing as it is Father's Day, I wanted to focus my gratitude that today.  Because I have a great father.  So great, in fact, that I actually wrote a grateful post about my earthly father several months ago, after we returned from our visit to see him in October/November.  I love my dad immensely.  It is because of my earthly father that I can comprehend the love of my Heavenly Father.  It is why I believe firmly that He exists, that He knows me, that I am literally one of His children, and that, as such, He loves me.  Perfectly.

And so, today, I will express my gratitude for my Heavenly Father.  I believe it is because of Him that I have all the wonderful things I have.  He has blessed me to have so much.  I have seen His hand in my life.  I have witnessed miracles sent by Him.  I have experienced the fulfillment of promises He has given me.  I know He knows me.  I know He cares about what I go through in this life.  I know He hurts for me when I hurt.  And that He rejoices with me when I feel joy and happiness.  I know He created this beautiful Earth that I might come here to experience mortality:  He gave me a home.  I know that He wants the best for me.  Now and in the eternities to come.

And I know all of these things, because He blessed me with a father who exemplifies those same things:  he knows, he cares, he hurts, he rejoices, he gave me a home, he wants the best for me.  And because I can understand the love of an earthly father, I can believe in and somewhat comprehend the love of a Heavenly Father too.

I am a child of God, and He has sent me here.  Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear.

Though I lack the ability to see things quite exactly from the perspective of this video (due to the fact I am a female), I do believe that "all that I am and all that I have is because He is a Father to me."  And I also think this is a beautiful video about fatherhood.  I absolutely love the quote at the end from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

"...of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that are given to Deity, He has asked us to address Him as Father."

What are you grateful for today?

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