Wednesday, February 5, 2014

(Fancy) Burp Rags

In the world of things that get underappreciated, I'm pretty sure burp rags reside. 

But I am incredibly grateful for them!  (And I love, love, love that we were given so many cute ones as baby gifts!!!).  Much thanks to several very talented friends!

Yes, most babies spit up.  This is why people get burp rags

Our little girl, though, may have been a marathon spitter-upper.  I'm pretty sure the poor thing suffered from reflux the first several months of life -- including her incredibly low tolerance for air bubbles in her tummy.  So we went through burp rags really fast back in those days.  I would say at least 3 a day.

Let's just say, even if we never had to use the burp rags again after she passed the reflux problem age (somewhere around 5 months), our burp rags still would qualify as "well used." 

But of course, we still use burp rags for the occasional spit up (these days more on the rug than anywhere else, since she's mobile). 

Today, however, it dawned on me that there has been one other time when we've gone through burp rags like in the early days of munchkin's life:  when she has a cold.  Because, gross as it may be to mention, she has a lot of snot!  (How can so much fit into that tiny baby?!?)  And so we use the burp rags again to clean her nose.  Because they are handy and washable. 

Why did this occur to me today?  Well, because Baby Girl woke up from her second nap today with total congestion.  And I've been using the burp rags ever since... 

And though I am in no way grateful for our 4th cold in 3 months (ironically, I just emailed a friend that she'd had three and thankfully seems to be in the clear...), I am grateful for the lovely burp rags that help us keep a certain little nose booger-drip free :).

What are you grateful for today?

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