Sunday, July 13, 2014


So back when our munchkin was just learning how to eat solid foods, I used bibs religiously.  We anticipated her being messy while grasping the whole "eating" concept.

But then she got really good at eating off a spoon (held by me, of course) and the messes were pretty non-existent.  So I got lazy (and forgetful) about the bibs.

Until she started staining her clothes -- now that she feeds herself almost everything.  (I still do most spoon feeding, but am starting to let her practice, since she needs to learn some time!)  And now I'm trying to retrain myself to remember to put her bib on for every meal.  Because even the foods you wouldn't think could be messy...  A toddler can show you how they can be ;).

So I'm thankful for bibs.  And thankful we have many of them!  Because they are definitely saving her pretty clothes :).

What are you grateful for today?

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