Sunday, July 27, 2014

Reminders That Heavenly Father Knows Me

Well, I'll admit I didn't start the day in the best of moods...  I had a hard time falling asleep last night and didn't manage to until after midnight (though I had lain there for over an hour trying to -- which is incredibly frustrating to me).  And then, of course, the munchkin gets up around 7, so I was up with her.  She got ready to go down for her morning nap, so I put her in her crib and then climbed into bed myself -- I needed a nap too! 

But then my husband (who has a cold) got up and blew his nose.  Which made the toddler think she was missing out on some good times.  So she started fussing to get up.  So I went back in and snuggled her for a bit until she was willing to go back down.  Then I went and slept.  Until 11:30 (thankfully, my sweetie got up with the munchkin after her nap). 

But then I felt rushed trying to get everything and everyone ready for church:  lunch, diaper bag packed, toddler changed (trust me, this is a feat), me changed, teeth brushed, contacts in, husband encouraged.  So I was kind of grumpy.  All the way to church.  Thinking about how I'd rather stay at home and relax.  And how I hoped there would be a good talk in Sacrament meeting that would be uplifting and inspirational for me on this grumpy day (yes, clearly I spent my morning thinking it's all about me...).  In fact, though I didn't say this part out loud (I did voice my hope about an uplifting speaker and talk), I had in my mind who I felt usually gave great talks that uplifted and inspired me and helped me feel good feelings.  And I hoped that, by some chance, he might be speaking today.

And then we got to church.  And I saw him sitting in the row for the meeting's speakers.  And I smiled -- and immediately was reminded that Heavenly Father does know me.  He is aware of me.  And He knows we have rough days where we just need a little pick-me-up.  And He loves me.  And so, I believe, He orchestrates such events to give us a little help when we need it.

And I left church feeling 100% better.  The talk was awesome -- a talk about the ability to change and be better.  I appreciated the parallels he drew between his life experiences and spiritual lessons we can learn from them.  I think that's my favorite part of talks.  Anyway, for me, this was just one of those tender mercies I believe Heavenly Father sends my way -- probably more than I notice them.  And I was grateful today for that.

What are you grateful for today?

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