Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Hope is a beautiful thing.

There is hope in every day, if we so desire.  But with a New Year, it just seems like there is an added measure of hope.  Not just because of the resolutions some people set and hope to achieve.  But also because it's a new year.  A fresh beginning.

Hope that the things you aren't pleased with might improve (whether through your own efforts or through tender mercies of the Lord -- or a combination of both!).

Hope that things you've longed for may arrive.

Hope that you can build on your strengths and overcome weaknesses.

Hope that, when life throws challenges, you can hunker down and push through.

In so many ways, hope keeps us going.  It fuels our dreams.

To quote a quote I found on Pinterest:

"Hope is the little voice you hear whisper 'maybe' when it seems the entire world is shouting 'no!'"

Or, another one of my favorite hope quotes:

"Hope sees what is just around the corner."

Yes, hope is a beautiful thing.  And I'm grateful to have hope in my heart as I begin a new year.  Hope for improvement.  Hope for dreams becoming reality.  Hope for becoming better than I was before.

Happy New Year.  And just because it popped into my head...  Here's a great article on hope.

What are you grateful for today?

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