Sunday, January 12, 2014

Snap Pea Crisps

I will admit to not being the best vegetable eater on the planet.  Unless they are slathered in some sort of fat.  I hope to instill better habits in my baby girl -- and if she's anything like her daddy (who is helping display a snap pea crisp above...), she will!

My cousin had told me about these quite some time ago, but I'd never seen them (and never looked really hard for them; because snap peas are among my least favorite vegetable -- especially raw). 

And then we went to Alabama.  And my dad had a couple bags of these.  Expired, because a lot of his stuff is...  But sealed shut.  So we decided to try them (ummm... because we generally try expired food...). 

And I loved them!  (even expired!)

But I still hadn't ever seen them around here.  (I'm sure they were there, but not where I had seen them!)  Then one day I noticed them at one of the grocery stores...  They were sitting above the produce (where the sprinklers are!).  I didn't buy any that day...  But then I noticed them at another grocery store where they were quite a bit cheaper (again, in a spot I wouldn't have usually looked, but just happened to see them).  So I bought a bag.  And yum!

And then last week, I noticed there was a coupon for these at Costco!  Which meant Costco must be selling them!  And so I put them on my Costco list (with a *star* -- meaning they were important to buy that trip ;))...  And I bought a nice big bag of them :)!  For cheaper than usual :).  (More bonus points for Costco, by the way)

And sometimes (like tonight), these are my vegetable ;).  (Yes, I know that's naughty, but still!  They are 70% pea, after all :)).

What are you grateful for today?

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