Sunday, March 23, 2014


In celebration of two years of marriage today, today I am grateful for marriage.

I'll be honest...  There are days I don't feel particularly grateful for it. 

But those days are few and far between.  And even then, underneath it all, I'm still grateful for it :).

Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be a wife one day.  My heart has always yearned for that companionship.

Of course, when I was a little girl, I thought finding the husband was the hard part and once I got married, I'd be strolling along down easy street...  And I've since learned that's not how things are.  Because that's just not real life.  But that's okay.

I truly believe that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God.  That it is in His plan for us to marry.  That He intends that man and woman be united in marriage to help each other as equal partners. 

I remember while I lived in Tuscaloosa, my Institute teacher said something about how grateful he was for his marriage, because on the days when he was off -- having a bad day -- he knew he could depend on his wife to help pick up the slack.  And the same was true for her off days.

And I totally get it. 

It's nice to know there is someone working beside me through the garbage days.  It's nice to know there's someone who will put his arms around me and hug me when I'm having a bad day.  Or who will take over with the baby when I just need a break. 

It's nice to feel the presence of my sweetie beside me in the middle of the night.  And nice to have him come home.  Which is why, when he works swing shift, I can't sleep until he comes in the door. It's nice to make meals for him and plan gifts for him.

It's nice to plan life with him.  A future with him. 

I am grateful that, in marriage, two parts come together to make a whole.  That his strengths are there to be added to mine, and together we can face the hardships and trials that will surely come -- and we can overcome.  I'm grateful we can help each other in our weaknesses, too.  That we can grow stronger in our union as we continue pressing forward when things are hard.  I'm grateful we can support each other.

I'm grateful we can laugh together.  Hope together.  And sometimes even cry together.

I have a friend who told me once that marriage is the toughest job you'll ever do.  It is.  Sometimes it is hard.  To say anything other than that would be a lie. 

But it's worth itEven on the hard days

I will say our love has grown and strengthened over the last two years.  We are learning the strength of our commitment.  Our willingness to give our all.  Even when we don't feel like we want to.  I can honestly say I'm grateful for my marriage.  For my husband.  I'm grateful to be ambling through this crazy life with him beside me.  And I'm grateful to know marriage can be forever.  And that that is our goal.

Because, to quote Elder Russel M. Nelson, one of the twelve apostles, "The only duration of family life that satisfies the loftiest longings of the human soul is forever."

And I couldn't agree more.

What are you grateful for today?

1 comment:

Julie said...

That is a great quote. Happy Anniversary!