Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Baby Monitor

So back when I thought I knew what parenthood was going to be...  We didn't plan on having a baby monitor.  To our way of thinking, we figured, eh, our apartment isn't huge, so it's not like we won't hear the baby crying.

Little did I realize that's not really what some parents listen out for through the baby monitors...

Because I'm one of those moms...  Because I'm one of those people...

The kind who worry.  A lot

It's true, I have no problem hearing Baby Girl when she cries.  I don't need the baby monitor for that.

I don't even need it for when she wakes up from a nap and starts saying yayayayaya in her happy voice.  I can hear that too.

But sometimes, when a nap runs longer than usual... 

Or when she's been not feeling well...

Or when I'm just being my crazy self...

Those are the times I am thankful we received a baby monitor as a gift.  Because while I don't want to go into her room to check on her (you NEVER want to wake a contentedly sleeping baby!), sometimes I just need the reassurance of her breathing.

So I sneak out to the living room (if I'm not here already), and I click it on.  And sometimes I have to listen really closely (and believe me, I do).  But when I hear her rhythmic breathing, I can put my worries to rest.  And I'm so grateful the baby monitor provides that blessing for a sometimes-worry-wart mommy.

I'm not so sure I want a video one, though.  I totally get why they are awesome... Now that I am experiencing parenthood.  But I have friends who have a video one and one day, their screen started displaying a room that wasn't in their house.  Freaky.  They quit using it for a while after that.  Not sure if they figured out what was going on there.  But she showed it to me...  And yeah, freaky

So I'll stick with the audio-only ones.  Even if I might pick up someone planning a crime ;)...

What are you grateful for today?

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