Thursday, March 13, 2014

Opportunities to Serve and Help Others

In recent weeks, we have had many opportunities to serve and help others...

Whether it has been helping clean a church building; watching kiddos so moms could go to dental appointments or so parents could have a lunch date; or taking a meal to people who are under the weather...  The opportunities to serve have all been blessings for us.

They have been blessings for me.

I noticed last year that I had several moments of feeling really down and discouraged.  I started feeling really lousy about myself and found it easy to sink into a pit of self-pity -- which just creates this horrible vicious cycle.

So this year, I made a goal to look outward more.  Because I decided if I did, I wouldn't have as much time to start feeling sorry for myself. 

Maybe that's a selfish reason to set that as a goal

But I certainly have been blessed with opportunities to serve others as I have followed through with my goal to look outward more.  The opportunities are always all around.  I just needed to start looking for them more.

I know I can still do so much more than I do.  I know there are many people who need a listening ear, a kind smile, an unexpected visit...  And I am grateful I am given opportunities, at times, to be the person who helps and serves in those capacities.  It is making me a better person.  It is teaching me to be kinder and more loving.

And those are blessings indeed.

What are you grateful for today?

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