Saturday, January 30, 2016

Beautiful Art (By a Beautiful Artist)

The other day, I was over visiting a sweet friend and helping her with a few things on her computer.  As we sat in her computer room, I happened to notice a beautiful canvas painting.  I knew she is an artist, so I commented on how beautiful it was.  She told me she had always wanted to live in an Irish Cottage, so she envisioned it in her mind, and she painted it. 

I also noticed there were some other paintings behind that one, so I asked if I could look at her other work.  The one behind it was a beautiful sunrise.  I was drawn in by the colors.  Honestly, I love sunrises and sunsets.  The are so beautiful.  And so this painting was.  She told me the story behind the sunrise painting. 

And then she told me I was welcome to take a painting.  Or even two. 

I was shocked.  And hesitant, honestly.  Could I really take these treasures home when they meant something to her?  The thought made me feel almost greedy!  But with the sweetest smile, she assured me she wanted me to have them if I appreciated them so.  She said she wanted them to go to a place they would be appreciated.  She then told me of others who had loved others of her paintings and now those paintings are theirs.  She laughed as she told me one lady saw one and said, "Oh that is so beautiful!  Can you leave it to me when you die?"  Instead, this beautiful artist insisted the woman take the painting right then.  Just as she insisted I do.

And so I did.  I still feel just a little guilty.  But I am excited to have them hanging in my home. 

So many pieces of art are beautiful.  I am no artist.  That is definitely not a talent I have.  I am grateful there are those who do have the talent and can create beauty.  And, to me, art is more beautiful when I know the artist.  These will be treasured for as long as I live.  As will the artist.

What are you grateful for today?

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