Sunday, December 13, 2015

That My Kids Woke Up

So lately, I've been kind of in a funk.  It's not a fun place to be.  And it's not a good place to be.  It impacts everything from the way I feel about myself to my relationships with my husband and my kids.  It also means I haven't dealt with things like no sleep well.

And when you're a parent...  Especially when you're a mom...  Well, lack of sleep comes with the territory.

And yesterday was a morning following a night where my little man had a particularly crappy night.  Which meant I had a particularly crappy (read: sleepless) night.  But I'd gotten him back down around 5:30 and was hoping to get another 2 to 2 1/2 hours of sleep before he woke again, and since my sweet girl had been sleeping in until about 7:30 recently, I thought there was an actual chance it might happen.

But it didn't.

My girl was up at 6:30 and went right into the room where her baby brother was sleeping and excitedly called out to him.  Which woke him up.  And well, I just was grumpy from then on.  Which made my husband grumpy.

I've decided grumpiness is the gift that keeps on giving.

Anyway, around 8:30, we all went down for a much-needed nap:  Daddy and baby boy in our bedroom and Mommy and our sweet girl on the couch.  And as I lay there, I thought about something my awesome friend Andrea had just posted on facebook the day before about gratitude.

In my grumpy state, I wanted to say there was nothing for which to be grateful in regards to losing sleep because my kids wake up early.  But I decided, as I lay there next to my precious little girl, that maybe I should look for the silver lining in even the most annoying of circumstances.  And I forced myself to look for one in that scenario.

And when I did, I actually teared up.  Because here's the silver lining:  my kids both woke up.  Sometimes, somewhere, a mother loses a baby or child in sleep.  And every day my babies wake up, I am blessed.

And so, though it is hard to not get enough sleep day after day.  And though I wouldn't mind it if the baby would sleep through the night or the 2 year old would stay asleep until 8 in the morning...  The truth is, I'm infinitely grateful that my babies woke up yesterday.  And today.  And I pray that I don't ever encounter a day when that isn't true.  I just have to remember that there is generally always a silver lining -- even in the most annoying of circumstances.  I just have to look for it a little harder some days.

And I'm working on that.  Because I believe it will help me get out of my funk :).

What are you grateful for today?

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