Thursday, May 1, 2014

Days When Allergies DON'T Attack

In a cruel twist of life, after 30 years of living (with 3 of those being in Washington), I started getting allergies.  And I've had them every year since (which is 3 years now...).

I am now completely sympathetic and empathetic to those who suffer from allergies.

It is no fun.  Like, at all.

But I think it's kind of like having a baby:  you forget just how awful it can be (the labor part, not the baby part) until you're smack dab in the middle of it again.

Because just a couple weeks ago, the hubs and I were discussing the impending doom of my allergies (which usually strike in early June) and I was saying that I would do better this year than last year -- that it probably wasn't that bad; that it had just seemed particularly unbearable last year because I had a newborn and wasn't getting any sleep.

But then the crazy weather went and got super hot (record-breaking highs is what my sweetie told me he heard at work today - blah!) and the allergies started acting up yesterday.

And yeah, I remembered it's not all fun and games.  Ick.

The sneezing -- the itchy nose -- the constant-runny nose -- the chaffed nose (from all the nose-blowing) -- the burning eyes.

So not my idea of fun.

So I was dreading today when it was forecast to be hotter than yesterday (my allergies are worse on the hot sunny days).  But I was still determined to try to have a good attitude about it -- and hope the allergies would be done in May this year and not come back in June :)...

But I didn't end up having nearly as many issues today!  In fact, it was pretty much a normal day!  Which made me ever so grateful :).

And yeah, the allergies may not last super long when they hit.  But when they do...  They sure do make me super-duper grateful for the 350 days a year when I don't have them!!!

What are you grateful for today?

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