Thursday, May 8, 2014


So I am a list-making fool.  Seriously.  It's sort of an obsession.  I make lists for everything.  I may have mentioned this before

I have lists of books I have read (yes, that's plural, by the way...  I have two digital lists: one online and one in MS Excel; and one hand-written list which may or may not be a little bit not current.  But I still have it :)). 

I have lists of books I want to read (2 digital ones, actually).

I have my grocery list (always on-going, because you know the minute I get back from the grocery store, I remember something I forgot...).

I have my "menu list" -- which is what largely determines my shopping list for 2 weeks.

I have my "to do" list for my daily activities. 

I have my goal list for 2014.  And then my goal list for the month.  And the week. 

One of my favorite things to do in the world (no joke) is cross things off "the list."  I feel so accomplished when I do.  Especially at the end of the day when my list looks like the one above.

To some degree or another, most people probably have lists, it's true.  But I may be a tad obsessed, as I mentioned before.  And here's why:  If, say, I do something not on the list, I go write it on the list.  And then immediately cross it off.  It's a beautiful thing.

So yeah.  I love lists.  They make me happy.  And keep me motivated.  And organized :).

What are you grateful for today?

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