My baby has had a nasty cough all this week. Mostly at night. It is the first time she's ever had a cough that interrupted her sleep.
I am still amazed at how happy and tolerant she is, even when she isn't getting great sleep, though.
But still. Major lameness that she has had that cough. I wanted to give it a few days and see if it would get better. I mean, she did have that mild fever Saturday night. And she did have the fun snotty nose all week, indicating a cold. So I figured this was a cold that settled in her chest and she'd get over the cough like she has in the past.
But 5 days is a little long. So today, at the suggestion of my mom, I called the consulting nurse. Based on my description, she said Baby Girl may be at the tail end of a bug; so she gave me some advice and told me to call her on Monday whether it got better or didn't. If it doesn't, then we'll be going in.
And I just have to say, I'm grateful for the service of a consulting nurse. I'm sure it's beneficial for those employed in the medical field as well: not everyone is going to just come in when they can call someone first and get advice and see if a trip to the doc is necessary. But it's definitely beneficial to me, too. Because when I feel concerned, I can call and ask.
This isn't the first time I've called the consulting nurse. I've called a couple times in the past for myself -- once right after we got home from the hospital (wanted to know if something in the medications I was taking would affect the baby due to nursing) and once a couple years ago when I was worried about a lack of pregnancy symptoms.
And though I think they are often set on putting your mind at ease, I do believe they also listen out for cues. That way, if it's serious, we go in.
So yeah, today I'm grateful for a phone number I can call -- anytime -- when I have a concern or question for a medical professional. I'm grateful it's a service provided. And I'm grateful she helped me today so I can help my sweet girl. Who is taking a marathon nap at the moment, I might add. And I haven't heard any coughs this whole nap! So here's to hoping we're on the mend and tonight will be a better sleep!
What are you grateful for today?
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