Friday, May 30, 2014

(Semi) Local Honey

Ever since 2011, I've had allergies around this time every year.  Since that's the year I started dating my husband, I like to say it's his fault ;)....  Because I'd never had them before :).  Even in Alabama where the pollen is thick enough to turn a white car yellow in a matter of days.  (True story). 

I'd heard once that eating local honey could help with allergies.  I'm pretty sure I heard that when I lived in Alabama.  But, as I'd never had issues with such miseries, I dismissed the information.  Fortunately it stayed tucked away somewhere in the recesses of my brain.  Because I've had reason to summon it forth.

And this year, I'm trying out the theory.  With semi-local honey.  See, back in October at a family gathering for my husband's side of the family, one of my brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law gave everyone honey from their bees.  Which is really quite awesome, if you ask me.  I thought it was cool back then.  Now that I remembered the allergy possibility, it's even more awesome.  The reason it's semi-local is because they live on the other side of the State.  But I'm willing to try anything.  And surely some of the bloomin' vegetation is the same in both parts, right :)? 

So every day, I get a nice taste of yummy fresh honey.  That doesn't come from the store.  (Not that there's anything wrong with that kind -- we have some -- but it probably has less chance of helping my allergies, since it could come from Alabama ;)).  And so far, so good on the allergy front. 

And if this continues and I make it through July with no flare-ups...  Well, I'll be investing in some local honey every year.  Unless we get brave and start keeping bees ;).  Because, though it can be pricey...  It's totally worth it if I don't spend two weeks sneezing my head off and having a dripping nose and burning eyes :).

So I'm really grateful I have this stuff to give it a go with.  Grateful for an awesome brother and sister-in-law who shared their bounty with us :). 

What are you grateful for today?

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