Thursday, October 2, 2014

Guests Who Graciously Tolerate the Ghetto-Fabulous

Because I had a lot of company tonight...  And they all had to do the whole walk-around-the-building thing due to our stairway situation mentioned yesterday.

So as I apologized for our ghetto-fabulous apartment complex...  I was so appreciative that everyone was kind and willing to just go with the flow.

What are you grateful for today?

1 comment:

the happy thomas family said...

I just wanted to say that your title made me laugh.

And I so dearly needed a laugh.

Oh, how i can't wait to laugh in your presence (because I certainly know we will). Have I mentioned that I'm over-the-moon ready for your visit? Oh, I have? Well. Still true.

You are the epitome of fabulous (in a not-ghetto way), and I love you.