Saturday, August 2, 2014

My Husband Getting Up With the Munchkin

I don't know why, but lately I've had the worst time falling asleep at night.  I lay awake for forever.  It's frustrating.  My husband is on late shift, so he rarely gets home before 11 (last night it was after 1 this morning... and I was still awake), so I generally get up with the baby in the morning at 7 or 7:30.  Or 8, when she woke up this morning. 

And I usually don't take a nap when she does (that's my "getting stuff done" time :)).  But today I was just totally bushed.  So when she went down for her morning nap... so did I!

And then she only slept for 50 minutes.  But my husband got up with her (though he didn't get to bed until after 4 this morning... playing with the new tablet...) and let me sleep.  I kept telling myself I should get up.  I didn't listen.  I slept another hour!  When I was finally able to force myself out of bed, it was going on noon.  Yikes!  Haha...

Oh but I needed that sleep.  And I'm so grateful my sweetie took on our little one and let me sleep -- he even took her outside and let her explore inside the van while he was doing all the check-ups on it for our upcoming trip.  Which meant I had completely uninterrupted sleep!  Ahhhh, so refreshing :).

What are you grateful for today?

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