Sunday, August 17, 2014

My Little Shadow

Tonight, as I was talking to my dad on the phone, I walked into the kitchen (to get dessert, of course ;)).  After a few minutes of randomly doing stuff in there, I looked down and saw my munchkin sitting on the floor in the kitchen with a couple of her library books.  She was just as happy as could be, flipping through her books and making a little sound every now and again.  And I commented to my dad that she follows me everywhere and described to him that she had come into the kitchen with me and was sitting contentedly on the floor. 

He told me that I should cherish that, because one day, when she's 15 and 16, she won't want me around. 

And whether or not she will feel that way in the years to come, the truth is, she won't always follow me around like a shadow.  And I do cherish it.  True, it can be annoying that even potty time can't be a private time for a mommy sometimes...  But, really, I do cherish the sweet little pitter patter of her feed as she follows me from room to room.  It is one of the cutest things in this world, and, even on the days when she's rolling around on the floor in the kitchen and is slightly underfoot as I try to cook, I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I'm grateful for her -- and I'm grateful for the way she follows me around.

I love her.  She brings a brightness into my life I can't believe I ever did without.

What are you grateful for today?

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