Saturday, August 30, 2014

Toddler Shoes for Chubby Feet

So my little munchkin has the chubbiest baby feet. They are so stinkin' cute.  But they are not so fun to find shoes for! 

So today we went to the mall to find some shoes that were adjustable all around.  My sister-in-law Gwen had recommended the Smart Fit type.  And, yay!!  We found some cute ones :).  And they slide on so much easier than the shoes we have been using. 

Anyway, I am grateful we have some nice shoes for her.  And hopeful that her feet will thin out over time ;)...  Because I want her to have a little more selection -- like the cute sparkly princess shoes!!!

What are you grateful for today?

1 comment:

the happy thomas family said...

Just to give you some hope ... Ammon had round little beach ball feet for the longest time. But no longer. Embrace the fat while you can. :)