Monday, August 4, 2014

R'Lene B

So back in 2011, I was employed...  But I wouldn't say I was gainfully employed.  I worked two jobs and, fortunately, one of them offered insurance.  But I couldn't afford to move out of my grandmother's house with what I was making.  It was a frustrating time for me.  Incredibly frustrating.  I had been trying everything I knew to do to get a job as a professional librarian (which I was educated to be), and nothing was panning out.  Not even for me to return to the South (I tried that too).  So I decided to change tactics and just look for employment outside of libraries.

And one day, I happened on a job posting for a job at the County in which I live.  It was a job for a front-desk person.  I met the qualifications.  I applied.  I got called to test my typing skills and such.  Then I got called for an interview.  And that's when I met R'Lene.  I remember her coming out to the waiting room to get me for the interview.  I remember being nervous.  Incredibly nervous.

A few days later, R'Lene called me again.  She said I was one of the top two choices, so they wanted me to go in and meet the Commissioners, since I'd be working with them if I got the job.  Yikes!  I was really nervous again.  I remember chatting with R'Lene as we waited for a Board meeting to wrap up so I could go in and meet the Commissioners.  I remember how R'Lene was so friendly and put me at ease.  She said a lot of really nice things to me -- about me.  I remember that it meant a lot to me -- the things she said.

But then I didn't get the job.  I was the second choice.  I was sort of bummed, but just figured something else would pan out.  She asked if she could keep my information for future job possibilities, because she said I had really impressive credentials.  I told her she could.  And I remember telling her I hoped everything went well and smoothly with the new person -- I expressed that I know it can sometimes take a while for things to even out after a new person comes on board.  I remember she said, "I hope so too.  But if it doesn't, you'll be hearing from me."

Well, it turns out they didn't.  Because a couple weeks later, I got another call from R'Lene.  She wanted to know if I was still available -- and if I was still interested.  I said I was.  And, initially, I was a little nervous, since I didn't know exactly what hadn't worked out with the first person.  But it was all good.  And I ended up with a great job -- and an even greater boss:  R'Lene.

That's a lot of talk before I get to the point of why I'm grateful for her today.

So, it turns out that R'Lene is retiring.  And, due to out-of-townedness, I won't be able to be there for her retirement party.  So Munchkin and I went to say good-bye to her today.  Not that it's really good-bye.  There will still be lunches and get-togethers from time to time...

But today, as I pondered the blessing I feel it has been to know R'Lene and to work for her, I thought over all those moments.  She was an amazing boss.  She trusts her employees to do their jobs -- she doesn't micromanage.  Her door is always open and she was always willing to listen.  She was encouraging and really believed in me.  She brought me in on fiscal responsibilities while my friend Angel was helping with other financial stuff -- and that's how I ended up becoming good friends with Angel!  R'Lene helped me expand my horizons while I worked for her, and I really appreciated that.  Because I ended up really loving the fiscal stuff.

I will never forget that R'Lene told me that she believes we work to live, we don't live to work.  And she totally showed that.  She lived it.  And she allowed that of her employees.

I will never forget that she was actually the very first person I told I was pregnant with our little girl.  The reason is because there was a fiscal job opening that she was encouraging me to apply for, and I wanted to, but I knew I would be quitting to be a stay-at-home mom once the baby was born.  That didn't matter to her.  She encouraged me to apply anyway.  I didn't get the job (there was a way qualified gal with tons of experience), but in the end, that was for the better anyway, because I ended up quitting 3 months later anyway.  (We kept the pregnancy quiet -- even from family -- because of our previous miscarriage).

And she'll probably never know it, but it meant the world to me that she went to my baby shower several months later, after I'd quit.  She drove 30 minutes or so to attend it.  And I think that was so sweet.

And so...  I had to go and say "good-bye" to such a marvelous woman.  To a woman who blessed my life in so many ways (that job allowed me to finally move out on my own, by the way).  And I'm glad it's not really good-bye.  And I'm grateful I was blessed to work for her -- and that I am blessed to know her.  She is a strong and amazing woman.

What are you grateful for today?

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