Sunday, March 9, 2014

Carolyn C.

Have you ever met someone who, when you really got to know that person, really surprised you?  Like in a good way...

Carolyn C is one of those people for me.  I met her at church, and when I first moved here, she was the Sunday School teacher for adults.  In the almost 6 years that I've known her, I have come to really love her.  And learn a lot from her.

Here's why:

She is a wonderful example of work and preparation.  In all the times I've had the privilege of sitting in one of her classes, she has always been thorough and prepared.  I know she has taken time to prepare that much.  It was a sacrifice on her part, but she cared about what she was doing.  And that is a great example to me, the last-minute-procrastinator.

She is a wonderful example of strength and courage and doing.  She is not idle.  She believes in fulfilling her callings to the best of her ability, whether that is teaching a lesson on Sunday or visiting several other women each month to see how they are doing and to share a gospel message (this is called Visiting Teaching).  She is constant and reliable.  And she genuinely cares.

She has taught me how to be more generous and giving.  She has shown me how to give the best in material things.  Like Pampers brand diapers.  She currently teaches the 9/10/11 Sunday School class (for kids those ages), and I know she always brings treats for her class.  But whenever there is a special occasion, she likes to bring a special treat for all the Primary children.  I currently teach the kids who used to be in her Sunday School class, and one thing they've told me is that they know she loved them as her students.  What a great thing.

And she has taught me about humility.  The way I got to know her the best (and where she surprised me the most) was when we served together in the Relief Society presidency.  For those not of our faith, this may not make any sense.  But basically, she and I were counselors (sort of like assistants) to the woman who was, at that time, called to serve as the Relief Society president for our congregation.  Now, Carolyn had many years of experience in leadership callings.  And I'm pretty sure she'd served, at some point in the past, as a Relief Society president somewhere.  And perhaps, for some with that same background, it would be easy to try to "take over," feeling more qualified.  But not Carolyn.  She believed, as I did -- and do -- that our Relief Society president at that time was called of God to be the Relief Society president.  That she (the president) was blessed to receive revelation from Heavenly Father specifically for our group of women.  That Carolyn's calling (and mine) were to assist and even advise, but never to overshadow or takeover.  Carolyn respected that calling, and though her personality is a strong one, I never saw anything but respect and humility in her.  And that taught me so much.

I also learned, during that time, that she and I think a lot alike about certain things.  That she, too, can get up on a soapbox about things.  And I loved her for it.  I still do.  She makes me laugh

And the thing is this:  I'm grateful that the plan Heavenly Father has for my life included me meeting and working with and getting to know Carolyn.  Because she has been a blessing indeed.

What are you grateful for today?

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