Sunday, March 2, 2014

Stake Conference

Today was Stake Conference at church.  What this means is that several different congregations (known as wards or branches, depending on size) of our faith in our area gathered together in a meeting and listened to our local leaders give us direction.  This event happens twice a year.  When we were in Alabama in November, it was happening there.

Stake Conference is always a blessing.  True, it's a little harder these days with a 9 month old who isn't so interested in staying in one place for 2+ hours... 

But it's ALWAYS a blessing.

It's uplifting and beneficial.  And I am taught much.  I am given the opportunity to reflect, to contemplate.  To examine where I am and where I want to be

To ponder who I am and who I want to become

For me, this time, the things that stood out to me were these:

1.  To stand for truth at all times.
2.  To be more benevolent.  Which includes disposing of the envy and jealousy to which I am often easily prone.
3.  To take better care of my physical body through exercise.
4.  To be the hand that helps and the heart that knows compassion.

These are the ways I can improve right now.

I believe that our leaders receive revelation from Heavenly Father.  That they share messages the Lord wants us to hear -- that He wants me to hear.  And I believe that I am better for having attended Stake Conference and heard the counsel shared there.  I am grateful for Stake Conference.  To me, it is a joy.

What are you grateful for today?

1 comment:

Amalea Hendrickson said...

I am grateful for you and your wonderful attitude. Thanks for sitting with me.