Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Baby's Laugh

Today was an awesome day. 

The sun was shining, and I could feel Spring in the air.  I didn't even wear a sweater to run errands! 

Baby Girl was totally happy pretty much all day today (there were those 5 minutes of fussiness at the end of baby story time, but that's bound to happen when she's an hour overdue for a nap!).  I think her awesome sleep last night helped contribute to her happy mood.

So on days like today, it's easy to think of a million things that made my day. 

But today, I'm picking my baby girl's laugh.  Because it makes my heart super-happy.  And today, I heard her squeal and laugh a lot as we visited with my friend Pam.  Because Pam has a little dog who would come scampering up to the couch where my sweet girl was sitting next to me.  The dog would put his little paws on the couch and sniff so excitedly that my baby girl just giggled and giggled and giggled! 

Such a precious sound.  And so contagious!  I couldn't help but laugh with her! 

I love her happiness.  I love the joy she brings to me in so many ways... including her laughter.

What are you grateful for today?

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