Thursday, March 27, 2014

Prune Juice

This week brought another Mommy-first for me:  constipation. 

From one extreme to the other! 

And I came to understand how painful it is to watch my child suffer through pain, knowing there is very little I can do about it.  Sure, she's fallen and bonked her head and cried.  And that's sad.  But the pain has already been inflicted and is past.  With Baby Girl's experience on Tuesday, I watched her struggle through the pain... 3 times.  And then 2 more times yesterday.

And I actually started crying that first time.

Of course, I don't play around with this...  I went and bought prune juice on Tuesday afternoon.  After all, it was one of the very few things I could do.  I think it's slightly sad that prune juice is the first juice my sweet girl has gotten to experience, even if it was seriously diluted with water...  But I'm incredibly grateful that it exists and that someone in the past figured out that it's a great laxative-type thing. 

Because I'm happy to report things are back to regular...  And that there were no tears twice today :).

Prune juice, I salute you!  Even if I would never drink you by choice.

What are you grateful for today?

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