Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring in the Air

It's true that Fall is my favorite season.  Something about all the oranges and yellows that are so vibrant against the green.  And it doesn't help that it's cooling off from the heat of summer. And I'm a sucker for anything that gets rid of the heat!

But I have to say that Spring is a very close second favorite.  The beautiful skies, the warming up from Winter.  And the newness of everything. 

In recent years, I've noticed how Spring comes on almost imperceptibly.  The trees are sprouting buds without me realizing it, and then one day, it just pops!  And there is color everywhere! 

Spring just feels like a time of renewal, of starting over.  Fresh, clean, beautiful.  And when it finally starts to peek out here in Western Washington...  Well, it just makes me happy

What are you grateful for today?

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