Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Re-Usable Grocery Bags

I seriously love them!  I used to balk at the possibility that we would be forced to have those bags. 

And honestly, I still don't agree with being forced

But once I realized how sturdy they are -- and how they pack more items inside of them, making fewer bags to lug into the house -- I can't understand why everyone doesn't want to use them!

True, I sometimes forget them in the van when I go into the store (making me wonder what the point of having them is...).  But I'm getting better at remembering :). 

Of course, it's even worse when I remember to take them in and then forget to hand them to the cashier, resulting in plastic anyway.

Anyway, they make my life easier when I go to the grocery store.  So I'm definitely grateful for them, even if they are a small thing!

And they're good for the environment ;).

What are you grateful for today?

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