Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hot Chocolate

There is just something wonderful about hot chocolate.  Especially on cold nights.  And especially with my sweetie while we watch some cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie.  (Because we might as well start getting into the feel of Christmas, right :)?) 

Truth be told, when I was still working, I had hot chocolate every. single. morning.  Even in the summer.  Some may say that's called an addiction.  I just call it yummy.

My mom used to send me Land-o-Lakes packets -- all different flavors -- when I still lived in Alabama.  We didn't get those down there for some reason.  My favorite is the mint chocolate. 

Last year I learned that if you buy the Nestle hot chocolate mix at Costco and just add significantly more hot cocoa mix than water, you get some really good rich stuff.  I had it at a Relief Society activity, and I went back for seconds.  It was so good.  Then I served it at a craft get-together at my house in January.  It was that good. 

But tonight I made the home-made stove-top recipe found on the Hershey's container (this is one of my favorites).  And we used almond extract -- because I love that flavor (and smell).  I should get some mint extract one of these days.  Because I do so love chocolate and mint together. 

Yep, it almost doesn't matter what kind, I love hot chocolate.  And I love sipping it on cold nights.  It just makes me feel like Christmas :).

What are you grateful for today?

1 comment:

Kira =] said...

I have a hot chocolate machine because I drink it so frequently. Love the Land O Lakes packets (available at Sam's), Ghiradelli, & Starbucks. I now mostly only buy the kind you have to use milk to make- so rich & yummy!