Sunday, November 24, 2013

Primary Program Sunday

Today was the Primary Program during Sacrament meeting at church.  And it was awesome.

I used to work with the Primary kids at church (kids ages 3 to 11), and I can say they are amazing.  Smart, sweet, funny, fun, and so many other things.  Though I've never hustled so much in my life (the weeks I had to teach always found me standing in front of the younger group, sweating like crazy for some reason... I think it's all the energy!), I have to say that serving in Primary with those wonderful kids was one of my favorite callings ever.  They truly are amazing.  They say the darndest things (as the saying goes).  But they are so smart -- and like little sponges.  Soaking up everything. 

After 2 years of working with the kids, I was released from my calling in Primary, because I was about to have a little one of my own. 

But today, I got to see all the kids in Sacrament meeting as they talked and sang -- teaching us the things they have been learning.  And it was just so sweet.  I love to hear their little voices from the front of the chapel, coming through the microphone.  I love to watch them stand and sing the songs that they have been learning all year.  There's just something special about Primary Program Sunday -- and everyone seems to feel it.  Because everyone seems to be just a little more attentive... a little more focused on the pulpit as the children take their turns.  And the kids just shine with happiness and excitement and joy as they say their part and sit back down. 

I just get the warm fuzzies...  And today I did.  I'm grateful I was able to be there to enjoy it.

What are you grateful for today?

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