Monday, November 18, 2013

Our Comfy Bed

In case you needed a good laugh today, I can give you one...  So you know what my husband and I purchased on our wedding day? 

A mattress. 

Prior to that, when we were both living the single life in our own places, I had an air mattress (made for one person), and he was sleeping on a foam pad. 

Based on that, I think the mattress was a good purchase.

But we still didn't have a bed.  And the little house I had been renting (and to which he moved into when we got married) was very small (just over 500 square feet).  And we needed some serious storage, especially once all of his stuff was added to mine!  So my husband designed and built our bed -- with storage underneath and on top.  And then he added "air conditioning" (a fan he hung) for those warm Summer nights.  :).  It makes all the difference.

I'm grateful for the bed.  I am grateful that I've pretty much always had a bed of sorts for sleeping.  It is one of those things I don't often think of on my list of things for which I'm grateful.  And that's because, like so many other things I enjoy, I've pretty much always had one. 

But I am grateful to have a soft, but firm, place to rest my tired body every night.  And I'm grateful that I have a bed that is easy to get into and out of a million times when I'm pregnant (because don't all we women know that's what happens eventually?).  I'm grateful I have sheets to put on it to keep it clean (even if they do create more laundry ;)).  I'm grateful for pillows (because I always sleep with 2 of them).  I'm grateful I can snuggle in all warm and cozy on cold Fall nights. 

I'm grateful for this comfort -- because that is what it is.  I could sleep on the floor.  But how grateful I am that I don't have to. 

P.S...  Please excuse that adorable little butterball on the bed...  She happens to like it too ;).

What are you grateful for today?

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