Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Jumper Chair

I know it's a small thing, but this jumper chair makes life grand.  For me because I have a place to put my munchkin that she loves.  For my munchkin, because she loves it!  Seriously.  She's always liked it and been content.  But lately she figured out just how to jump in it, and she has just gone to town!  It is so much fun to listen to her squeal in delight as she jumps up and down again and again and again and again.  I think she gets her exercise.

And so, while she's entertained getting her exercise, I can get mine too (by walking to an exercise DVD on those days I just don't feel like going through the production of getting everything ready to go outside...).

This also is great for hanging in the bathroom doorway so Mommy can get a shower.  I used to put her in her vibrating chair in the bathroom, but she never lasted long...  She always got fussy within minutes of my shower beginning.  The jumper chair, though, is something that always keeps her happy for the duration of my shower.  In fact, the only time she gets tired of it is when she's tired in general and ready for a nap. 

So yeah, I love the jumper chair.  I'm grateful for it.  (Vapid as that may sound.)  It has made mommy-hood a whole lot easier :)!

What are you grateful for today?

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