Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Exercising With Friends

I may have mentioned that I've been working on losing the last of my pregnancy pounds. 

And I may have mentioned that, in order to accomplish that, I have started exercising more. 

Mainly walking.  Even if it's to a walking DVD.

I also probably mentioned I really prefer exercising with friends rather than alone. 

And for the past two days, I've had lots of company!  Yesterday my friend Amalea came by after work and we walked to that DVD together (nasty Washington weather outside makes for nicer walks inside). 

Then today we went to her house and did some serious arm work-out stuff to a video she has.  While our husband's watched a baby and prepared dinner for us. 

Then I came home and walked with Sue.  Outside in the rain. 

And yeah, that's a lot of exercising in a couple days! 

But then, yesterday was Monday Meals...  And I ate nachos and a chocolate cherry cream cheese torte thing.  I needed the extra caloric burn.

And it was totally fun with friends.  Because we do so much talking, I kind of forget I'm exercising! 

And that's just the way it should be :).

What are you grateful for today?

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