Monday, February 24, 2014

My Husband's Help

Today was quite a day.

Self-inflicted.  But quite the day, nonetheless.

I got a lot done.  But I honestly couldn't have done all of it without my husband's help (even though I thought I could!)

This was my to-do list for the day:

exercise (which today was walking with a friend to a walking DVD)
pay bills (3 different ones)
make soup for dinner
make breadsticks for dinner (it was Monday Meals night tonight)
make salad dressing
make salad
3 loads of laundry
strip and re-make bed
arrange Baby Girl's quilt (I'm onto the next step -- sewing rows! -- so I  had to lay it out)
read 2 chapters in The Book of Mormon
write my grateful blog
take Munchkin's 9 month pictures and write her 9-month letter
watch a 16 month old for 2 hours (in addition to my 9 month old -- both of whom needed naps by the 2nd hour, but neither of whom were willing to take one!  Haha...)
make dessert bars
take dinner to a friend whose kiddos have been sick
bathe the baby
read 30 pages of my pleasure-reading book


But aside from the grateful blog, which I'm writing right now, and reading the 30 pages...  I managed to get it all done.

With my sweetie's help.  Because he's actually the one who delivered the dinner.  And he's the one who bathed the baby.  So I could exercise and finish breadsticks and salad and set the table for Marvelous Monday Meals.

He helps me other times, of course...  Like when he watches our sweet girl so I can go out for girls' night.  Or go to the grocery store alone.  Or when he just helps me -- just because!  Like on Saturday when he helped me iron 133 hexagon/triangle combos for the quilts I'm making.

I appreciate him.  And I'm so grateful for his help... even if he does think I'm crazy for scheduling so much all in one day.  ;).

What are you grateful for today?

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