Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tender Mercies of the Lord

Today I was given a beautiful opportunity to witness (in a sense) a tender mercy of the Lord.  It is not the first time I've been blessed with the opportunity to see His hand in my life -- or, as in this case, in the lives of others.  But it was just one more time I've seen it.  And had reaffirmed to me the knowledge that we are children of a loving Heavenly Father.  That He knows us personally, just as I know my baby girl (okay, better than that, actually).  And that He cares about us and what we are going through.

A few weeks ago, I had a friend on my mind.  A lot.  For about 2 weeks, she kept popping into my head.  Finally, I sat down and wrote her a letter.  I mailed it.  I continued to think of her for two more weeks.  And so today I called her.  And apologized for not calling sooner (I'm a little dense).

Her words to me were, "I should have called you.  Your letter came just in time, as I'm sure you know." 

I didn't know.  I had no idea what she was talking about.  And I told her that all I knew was that she had been on my mind, so I wrote the letter.

She then proceeded to tell me about a serious trial she has been going through for the last month.  The heart-ache of a parent.  The anguish and emotional pain.

And in that moment, I knew.  I knew that I had been given an opportunity to be an instrument in the Lord's hands to help one of His beloved daughters, even if only in a small way.  And I felt humbled. 

I still do. 

Some may chock it up to coincidence.  But I don't believe in coincidence.  I believe, as President Thomas S. Monson said, that "the Lord is in the details of our lives."  I believe He loves us beyond our comprehension.  And that He will orchestrate blessings, large and small, to bless us.  These are His tender mercies. 

I also believe He often uses people to bless other people.  I believe we are His hands.

I have been blessed by His tender mercies many times.  When I first learned that we'd lost our first baby, I was alone.  I was waiting to talk to my doctor, and I just started crying.  A woman I did not know was at the check-out counter.  She had a tiny newborn with her, as well as her spouse.  She came over to me and asked if I was pregnant.  I could not stop the tears from falling as I said, "I was, but my baby stopped growing."  This woman I did not know put her arms around me and said, "I'm so sorry.  It happened to me too."  I will never ever forget that moment.  That kindness.  And I believe she was put there to wrap her arms around me and offer me physical comfort from one who knows the pain I was feeling by a Father who loves me and knew I was in such pain.

In January 2013, I was struggling with adjusting to stay-at-home life and not having the socialization I'd been used to through work.  For some reason, I was feeling really low; unlikeable; unliked.  My husband was working graveyard shift, and one night it just came to a head while I was alone.  I just started crying.  And I prayed that night.  Told my Heavenly Father how worthless I was feeling.  I pretty much cried myself to sleep.  The next day, I had this outpouring of contact from friends both far and near.  Friends who didn't know I was struggling.  And I knew these were tender mercies.  That these wonderful people were being instruments in the Lord's hands to help ME.  A simple text, a blog comment, a friend asking to make plans to hang out...  I felt the love of the Lord immensely that day through the love of my friends.  I knew He knew me.  That He'd heard my prayer.  And cared about me.  And placed people in my path, one way or another, to help me feel it.

Yes, I am grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord.  And I am grateful for opportunities to witness His love and His goodness -- not just for me, but for all of His children whom He loves so much "that He gave His only Begotten Son."

What are you grateful for today?

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