Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Plan of Salvation

Today at church, my Sunday School class discussed the Plan of Salvation.

Interestingly enough, it was also Fast and Testimony Sunday, which means that members of the congregation are invited to share their testimonies at the pulpit if they desire to.  Several of the testimonies borne were about the Plan of Salvation.  I don't believe in coincidence

I do know that there are many different beliefs and religions in this world.  My life has been blessed by many good people from many different faiths.  These, though, are my beliefs and the things I believe to be true.  They have helped me understand who I am, why I am here, and where I will go after I die.  And to have that knowledge gives me peace.

I am grateful to know I existed before this life.  Though I was a spirit, I was still me.  I know I am a daughter of Heavenly Father literally, because He is the Father of my spirit.  And as such, I have within me a divine nature.  What a beautiful truth.

I am grateful to know I chose to follow the plan of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ; which was to come to this earth and receive a body so that I may come to know through my own experience the things I could only experience through having a body.  Such as the joy I feel in holding my baby girl.  The happiness I feel at lifting and helping another.  I am grateful to know I have agency -- the right to choose for myself -- and that, as I make righteous choices and strive to follow my Savior's example, I am on the path to return back to the presence of my Father in Heaven.

I am grateful to know that, though mortal life does end at death, not all life does.  I know my spirit will continue to exist.  And that one day, just as Jesus Christ was resurrected, I will be too.  And my spirit and body will be reunited again, never again to be separated.

I am grateful to know that, through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I can be forgiven for mistakes I make and sins I commit.  That I can be healed after pains inflicted, intentionally or unintentionally, upon me.  And that, as I strive to be like my Savior, I can have the hope of living with Him and Heavenly Father and my family in the Celestial Kingdom forever.  I am grateful to know families can be forever.  And that Heavenly Father's greatest desire is to have all of His children return to Him.  And I am grateful to know that we are all His children -- we are all brothers and sisters.  And that each of us is of infinite worth because we are His.

What are you grateful for today?

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