Thursday, February 27, 2014

Shorty & Slim Music (and CDs)

Baby Girl is at the age when she loves to "dance" to music.  This entails her holding onto something and bobbing up and down again and again.  It's pretty much the cutest thing in the world.

So this morning I wanted to find something to play that would have a fun beat (she likes those best).  Something happy.  Something different.  Something that wouldn't drive me crazy!

And I thought of all my Shorty & Slim CDs.  Jackpot!

If you've ever lived in Panama, then you may know who Shorty & Slim are.  And you may understand their songs. 

And if you do, they probably bring a smile to your lips, like they do mine.  It's irrepressible. 

But if you weren't so fortunate to live in Panama (or even visit there), then here's a couple of songs for you to enjoy anyway (even if you don't understand them):

You Would Understand
Going Down to Panama

The second one had Baby Girl jammin'.

So, if someone was looking in the windows of my apartment at 7:00 this morning (Baby Girl decided on a super-early morning and was up at 6:10), they got the pleasure of seeing me, dancing with my baby girl, to MINE from their fourth CD.  Love that song, and I find that it has new meaning now.

It was the best way start to my day, because it made me so super happy.  Even in spite of less sleep

And it made my baby girl dance and smile her huge beautiful grin, and nothing tops that :).

And here's some fun trivia:  Shorty was my 11th grade Physiology teacher.  I learned a lot from him.  And though I was terrified and had no desire to ever take that class (the counselor felt I should challenge myself, though) -- I mean, who wants to poke their own finger to type their own blood, carry in a cup of their own urine to analyze, or dissect a cat!?! -- it ended up being one of my favorite classes of all time.  Life's funny that way.

I look forward to the years ahead when I can tell my little girl (and hopefully other kiddos) what all the things in these songs mean.  And maybe one day I can even SHOW them.

What are you grateful for today?

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