Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tarylyn H

Tarylyn was my sister-in-law for many years.  10, I think. 

And it's true, by law, we are no longer sisters-in-law.  But a quote from the ever-classic movie Clueless comes to mind:  "You divorce wives, not children."  (And in this case, maybe it's a little different, but still, the idea to me is that not all relationships have to be destroyed as the result of a divorce).  I'm not saying divorce is ever a great thing.  It is a hard thing.  A heart-breaking thing.  And sometimes, you do end up severing all ties, because that is just what's best

But there are times when, after the dust all settles, things can be smooth.  They may not ever return to what they were.  But relationships can be mended, and time (and forgiveness) can heal much.  And I am grateful that Tarylyn has made the effort to keep in touch with our family and has been open and inviting always in regards to us being a part of my niece and nephews' lives.  That she always informs me of birthday parties and tries to make sure we know about school concerts and other events. 

Today was one of those times.  My youngest nephew turns 8 tomorrow, and today we celebrated him.  And I am so grateful that I was able to be a part of that celebration.  That bitterness and grudges don't exist between us, and that the children can feel loved.  I really appreciate that Tarylyn has afforded me this.  And I'm also grateful that my brother is also grateful we are all still a part of the kids' lives.

I am grateful, too, for the fond memories of the past.  Of Rainbow Brite birthday cakes, Halloween parties, trips to Valdosta to house-hunt, and spending the night in the hospital waiting for the birth of a niece. 

And, yeah, the law may say we are no longer related...  But her kids are still my niece and nephews.  Her blood and my family's blood runs in their veins.  And so I guess that means we're still family, after all.

What are you grateful for today?

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