Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Husband's Kind Understanding

I totally didn't anticipate this being my grateful for the day.  I probably should acknowledge it more than I do, though.

But today, it really made my day.

Because while traveling to the library with the munchkin, I noticed that the van's shifting into 2nd gear while on a hill was not at all smooth... twice.  But I thought, "Maybe I was trying to force it to much on a hill..."  (And believe me, all there are in Western Washington is hills.)

And then, later in the day, munchkin and I went to scrapbooking at the funeral home (I use this time each month to work on Baby Girl's baby book -- it's important to me that I keep it updated).  No problem with the van there.  So I didn't think anything more of it.

Until I offered to take someone who works at the funeral home... home.  And I got on the freeway, and halfway there, both my check engine light and the traction control system light came on.

To say I was stressed is an understatement.  After I dropped off the lady, I pretty much melted down all the way home. Hoping and praying we'd make it home on top of it all.  (We did.)

I mean, seriously!?!  What could this mean?  I don't know, but anytime the check engine light comes on, I don't figure it can be good.  Especially after shifting problems on the hills.

I did not look forward to telling my husband.  Mostly because he's sick and I didn't think this would be the happiest news.  And because I was already uber-upset about the potential yuckiness of what this means as far as fixing it (I'm thinking transmission issues...).  And because I do not like being the bearer of bad news.

And so, while I told him all about how stressed I was, how upset, how worried and what all happened (as he tried to discern what it may be based on what I was telling him), he calmly listened and started analyzing.

And he said, "Yeah, I'm frustrated about the van, but it's not your fault.  It's 13 years old, and it's bound to start wearing out.  I'm pretty positive you weren't out there trying everything you could to make those lights come on and break the van..."

And just like that, I felt a million times better.  Even though this has the potential of being annoyingly expensive.

We will be driving it until we are sure it's a transmission problem, by the way.  So don't be surprised if you are local and I call you to come pick me up ;).

But seriously, I'm grateful for my husband's kindness and understanding.  And how he can put me at ease and help me put things in perspective when I get all wrapped around the axle.  He's so good to me.  And so good FOR me.

What are you grateful for today?

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