Friday, February 21, 2014

Wendy W

I am so excited for tonight.  I am hanging out with my friend Wendy.  Some much-needed and looked-forward-to girl time!  (Daddy gets to baby-sit ;)).

And maybe it'll feel sort of like the days of yore when we would hang out and watch a movie and eat dinner.  Tonight it's pizza and dessert!  I have such fond memories of times hanging out with Wendy.

Like the time she and our friend Heidi watched General Conference together at Wendy's house and enjoyed lunch together during the break. 

Or the time Wendy and I went to the Single Adult Conference (but we both skipped the dance, because it's just not our thing).

Or another time we went to a Single Adult game night.  That was pretty fun!

I can remember going with Wendy and her parents to see the play Little Shop of Horrors at the local high school, as well as seeing one of the Twilight movies (possibly New Moon) with she and a bunch of other ladies.

And I can remember a night sitting at our friend Amalea's house, just the three of us, and I was having a hard time with not understanding the hand life had dealt me at that point.  I was struggling to understand why I was here in Washington where nothing had seemed to work out, even though I knew I was supposed to come here.  I sat there crying, and noticed that there were tears streaming down Wendy's face as well. 

And that memory has never left me.  And is a large part of why the first word that comes to mind when I think of Wendy is compassionate

Wendy is amazing, kind, fun, talented (she makes beautiful quilts, diaper bags, quiet books, and so many other awesome things!), smart (she's a high school math teacher, after all!), outgoing, and so many other great things.  But, to me, she is the epitome of compassion.  And such a great example to me in that way.  She loves purely and completely with a Christ-like love.  I've never heard her judge.  I've never seen her angry.  I have only ever seen her as an example of her Savior in the things she does, the way she speaks. 

Wendy serves unselfishly and tirelessly.  She concerns herself with the welfare and well-being of everyone she knows.  It is no surprise to me that she is currently serving as the Relief Society President in her Ward.  And those women whom she serves are blessed to have such an amazing woman to serve them as she serves the Lord with her giving heart, her helping hands, and her deep compassion.

I have so much to learn from Wendy.  She is a blessing in my life.  And though she and I don't get to hang out as often as we used to (it's been probably 7 months!), I am so grateful she is still in my life -- a shining example of the kind of person I want to be more like.  I'm grateful that we still keep in touch through facebook and texting.  And I'm grateful that we are going to hang out tonight!  I've been looking forward to it for quite some time (we planned it quite a while back), and am so glad to have something so fun to look forward to! It's making my day!

What are you grateful for today?

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