Friday, February 14, 2014


As the song goes:  Love is a many splendored thing.


The Beatles said All you need is love.

And I can see where that has truth to it.

I have been loved deeply throughout my life.  I have been richly blessed to have this love.  Love of my Savior.  Love of my Heavenly Father.  Love of my earthly parents.  Love of my siblings.  Love of my friends.  Love of my husband.  And, now, love of my baby girl.

I have been given the opportunity to love deeply throughout my life.  Which, yes, means I have opened myself up to the hurt.  But the hurt only indicates how deeply I have loved.  And loving is never a mistake.  Not when it's true, real love.

One of my favorite quotes states that To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.

How grateful I am for the love I've felt -- both that directed toward me, and that which I've been privileged to give.  It has made my life more wonderful.  How grateful I am to know that love grows.  Especially when we allow it to.

I'm grateful for all the love.  Romantic love, brotherly love, charity (the pure love of Christ), unconditional love...  I would not be who I am without all the love I've felt in life.  It has lifted me, strengthened me, helped me, and encouraged me.  As have those who have given it so freely. 

I am blessed.

What are you grateful for today?

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