Friday, May 2, 2014


I've suffered from cold sores (or fever blisters -- whatever you prefer to call them) my whole life.  According to my mom, it's what broke me of the bottle.

I'm grateful to say that, as I've gotten older, I've had fewer of these bad boys (in fact, to find this stuff, I had to go digging through the purse I haven't used since I took it to the hospital to have a baby, so I guess it's been about a year, at least!).  Because they are bad.  As in not enjoyable.  Although, to be fair, they've also been milder and less annoying in recent years too.

The main reason I get these -- when I do get them -- is stress.  But I also get them sometimes when I've had a cold.  And also when I allow my lips to get dried out (whether by wind or sun).  One year in Panama, I went to Isla Grande with some friends and didn't put sunscreen on my face or any lip protection on.  I got fried.  And wound up breaking out with about 3 HUGE cold sores.  At the same time.  It was miserable.

I'm pretty sure the reason I woke up with one this morning is weather-related.  I felt it two days ago when my lips started getting chapped.  I started coating with the chapstick, but not soon enough! 

But that's where Abreva comes in!  This stuff rocks.  I discovered it many years ago in Alabama.  Prior to that, I tried various things, but never with this kind of success. 

Yes, this stuff has a higher price tag.  But you get what you pay for.  And this stuff works.  So I'm willing to pay the price.  It also lasts me a long time (that tube pictured is very small). 

For me, this stuff seems to nip the dumb cold sore in the bud quickly.  I experience less itching, it doesn't spread as much, and it clears up a ton faster. 

I have to say, it's not exactly pleasant to have these.  I've never been grateful for cold sores.  Not only are they annoying, but they are also ugly and somewhat embarrassing.  But they are in my genetics.  I'm hoping not to pass them along, but life is life and I guess we'll see

And, since I am stuck with them, I am grateful there is Abreva to help me get through the experience quicker and with less unpleasantness

What are you grateful for today?

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