Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Opportunities to be a Part of Bringing Joy to Another

I had a hard time figuring out what to title this, because it's hard to put it in words simply and have it make sense.

Tonight was a young women's activity.  And the older girls (16 through 18) wanted to take dessert to one of the elderly women in the congregation.  So we set it up, the girls made dessert, and we went by for a dessert visit. 

And it was amazing.  4 different generations of women sat in a room and chatted about dances -- then and now; first dates; family...  Things that span all generations.  The youngest "lady" in the room was 1 (my munchkin accompanied me today, since Daddy is back on swing shift).  The eldest in the room was 88.  And the rest of us were sprinkled in between.  And as we talked about dances now (everyone dancing in a circle, nobody really pairing off) versus dances then (real dancing -- like the Fox Trot), I couldn't help but wonder if the girls could envision this sweet woman at 16.  Did it become real to them, that she was once their age, dancing with the sailors in Seattle? 

I don't know if it did or not.  But I do know that these girls touched the life of a lovely woman tonight.  They made her feel important and special.  She invited us all back any time.  And we plan to take a whole dinner to her -- hopefully in a few months -- and eat with her. 

These wonderful young women served someone wonderful today.  Let her know she is not forgotten.  Let her know she is not too old for them.  It was a joy to watch.  A joy to be a part of it.  A joy to see the girls visit and chat and talk about their own lives with someone who lived through wars these girls only read about in History books. 

And I had the benefit of witnessing it.  And realizing, too, how correct Sister Marjorie Pay Hinckley was when she said, "We are all in this together.  We need each other.  Oh, how we need each other.  Those of us who are old need you who are young, and hopefully, you who are young need some of us who are old... We need deep and satisfying and loyal friendships with each other."  What a beautiful thing.

What are you grateful for today?

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