Thursday, May 29, 2014

Karen D

Just the other night, I was telling my husband how much I admire my friend Karen D.  She is a strong woman in ways I can only wish I was.

For example:  she has given birth at home... twice. 

I am in awe of women who can do that.  Yes, I know there was once a time when it was the only option.  But I'm a modern-day city girl.  And I'm also a bit wimpy.  So women with this kind of strength amaze me.

But there are many other reasons I admire Karen. 

I know Karen from church.  I remember when they first moved into our Ward, because she speaks Spanish and was an interpreter.  Which I thought was totally cool.  I didn't really get to know her until a couple years later, though.  She was the fourth member of our awesome Primary Presidency.  The one where we all became friends.  The one made up of Christina, Karen, Tawni, and myself. 

One of the best things about Karen is her sense of humor.  She says some of the most hilarious things.  I will never forget how she was talking about her husband wanting to have chickens, but their house was in the middle of downtown on a lot that wasn't really large enough for chickens and on a busy street.  She said, "I could just imagine someone coming by and stealing a chicken and running down the street with it."  And okay, maybe that's not funny as I write it here.  But when she said it, I laughed so hard.  Because I pictured it too. 

Karen is willing to help out.  Like all the time.  Even with a million things on her plate.  She helped do the Appreciation Brunch for our friend Christina a couple weeks back, even though she and her husband have been in the middle of packing and selling their house, and even though she has to work, and even though she has two little ones... 

And she's a great teacher.  She has been teaching the young women in our congregation on Sundays.  And I always love getting to be present for her lessons.  I really can't put my finger on what it is, exactly, but there is something in the way she teaches and talks to the girls that I find really admirable.  And she gives great talks in church.  She applies things to every day life -- and does it in a way that is both humorous as well as thought-provoking and inspiring. 

And she is one of the most beautiful women I know.  Both inside and out.  I am always amazed at how pretty she looks -- like all the time. 

Anyway, I am grateful for Karen.  I am grateful to know her and call her a friend.  Grateful for the laughter we've shared and the memories we've made as we served together.  Grateful for the example of strength she is to me -- and to the young women in our congregation. 

What are you grateful for today?

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