Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Seeing the BYU Singers

Tonight we took the young women in our Ward to see the BYU Singers.  It was a one-night opportunity.  And it was a ton of fun. 

It's just enjoyable to do something different.  Good, clean fun.  Good, clean music. 

Impressive talent.  Many of the songs were sung a cappella.  And all of it done by memory (well, except the piano when it was accompaniment).  Truly amazing.

I love to hear 4-part harmonies.  I think it is especially awesome to listen to the bass voices and how deep some men are able to get their voices. 

Of course, on the other hand, it's also completely awesome to hear how high some of those sopranos can get! 

Anyway, it was amazing talent.  And a fun night all around.  I'm glad I could enjoy it!  Totally rocked my day.

What are you grateful for today?

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