Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Help With Family History

I decided to work toward meeting a goal set by the Bishop of my ward.  This means picking up on working on family history (or genealogy, if you like that word better ;)).

I'm so not knowledgeable about this.

Lucky for me, I have a wonderful friend who is!  (Okay, I probably have several wonderful friends who are, but my friend Amalea even serves in this capacity in her ward:  teaching others how to get started on their family history work.)  So I knew exactly who to call for help!

And because she's so awesome, she was more than happy to help me get started.

I fear this might become addicting ;).  It is way cool, and I know I need to get working on things.  I am actually quite excited about the prospect of discovering something new.  Who knows if I will or not, but still... I can be excited about the possibility :).

So I'm grateful for Amalea helping me out today (and her offer to help me out in the future too).  I know she is a valuable source of information, because she's been doing this for years!  Just one more reason I consider myself blessed to call her my friend :).

What are you grateful for today?

1 comment:

Amalea Hendrickson said...

You are so sweet. I'm the one that had fun! Let's do it again sometime!