Sunday, July 6, 2014

Barrettes for Little Girl Hair

So my munchkin was born with a lot of hair.  I got comments on it all the time.  For the first 3 months or so, it was poof.  It just stuck up all over her head.  It was pretty stinkin' cute, if you ask me.

In hind-sight, I realize I probably should have put more stuff on her head back then -- when she couldn't remove it.  But I didn't.  I gave myself a gold star for just making it through the day some days, so I didn't expect myself to do hair.  Haha.  But, as a result, she doesn't like anything on her head.  At all.

And I learned today that she doesn't sit still for me to put little piggies in it -- or anything else requiring an elastic band.  

So, barrettes it is!  

It's the only way -- at least for now -- I can help her not look quite so raggamuffin while her hair is growing out ;).  And also make her a little more girlie.  Because, though I am not exactly the epitome of all things fru-fru (quite the opposite, honestly), I do want my baby girl to be able to choose to be and to be introduced to it all.  I want her to embrace girly things and be able to be girly -- even if sometimes she wants to hike through the jungle with her daddy. 

And I suppose I can hold out hope that one day, she'll ask me to do cute hair.  (And hopefully I'll be able to deliver!)  Until then, I'll be grateful for barrettes!

What are you grateful for today?

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