Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Blackberry Season

It's blackberry season in the Pacific Northwest...  I love the fresh blackberries that grow in abundance with no effort required by me! 

This evening, Munchkin and I took a walk with our friend Sue.  And I realized there were some ripe blackberries on bushes as we walked.  So we picked some and I let her try them out for the first time.

I'm pretty sure she loved them.  Wouldn't you agree :)?

Now I'm looking forward to going out and picking some for use in some recipes :). And for eating.  Mostly for eating.

P.S...  Little Miss has learned how to smile for the camera...  As soon as she suspects someone is taking her picture, she smiles really big (like above) and gets all excited.  She's been doing that since yesterday.  I think it's awesome -- and way cute.
What are you grateful for today?

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