Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sippy Cups

I have to say:  whoever invented sippy cups was a genius. 

My munchkin actually doesn't do half bad drinking from a real cup.  But that is always closely supervised.  With a sippy cup, she can walk around the house with it, dropping it on the floor here and there or wherever she feels like.  And she does...  In fact, some days she carries it around for a really long time.  We've jokingly compared her to that character in the Dilbert comics who always has a coffee cup in his hands. 

Anyway, it's just nice that she is able to have her sippy cup with her pretty much at all times, when she's awake.  That way she has access to water when she's thirsty.  She can learn how to quench her thirst when she feels it, and she is able to be more independent in this small way.

So I'm grateful for sippy cups.  And I'm particularly fond of the ones with two handles -- like that above.  Those seem to be the better for toddler learning :).  At least in our household.

What are you grateful for today?

1 comment:

Rachael Wood said...

Sippy cups are awesome! Our 5 and 6 year olds still have their own for travelling, night time thirstiness and the reasons you listed. :)