Sunday, January 26, 2014


I mentioned before that we try to keep our meals simple around here on Sundays.  And leftovers make that so much easier!

I can't say I'm always a fan of leftovers.  I am particularly un-fond of leftover chicken (that isn't mixed up in a casserole or something), because it tastes old to me.  And sometimes I make a meal that looked good and I wanted to try out -- and I don't end up liking it.  And if I didn't like it the first go-around, when it's fresh out of the oven or whatever.  Well...  It's highly unlikely I'll enjoy it as leftovers.

This is another thing I could have added to my list of reasons I'm grateful for my husband!  He will eat anything that's food.  Or even if it's questionably food.  So that means any leftovers I don't enjoy, he will eat!  And I can eat the "good" leftovers :).  I'd feel guilty about this, except that food isn't an experience for my husband like it is for me, so if it's edible, he's cool with it.

Anyway, I'm thankful for leftovers on Sundays, as it helps us with our efforts to keep things simple.  But I'm also incredibly grateful for leftovers sometimes during the week.  Because when I get to a leftover day, it's almost like I can breathe a sigh of relief that I don't have to make dinner!  And it's not that I don't love to cook and try new things and make meals (because trust me, I do!  Take into consideration Marvelous Monday Meals...)  More of 'the day flies by fast and it's sometimes not the easiest thing to do while trying to juggle everything else'.  And so, when it's leftover day, I don't have to add dinner to my to-do list.  And sometimes that makes me very happy :).  All I have to do is pop something in the microwave and I manage to eat before I put the baby down for the night :) (this is mostly applicable when the hubby is working swing shift).

And the other reason I realized I'm super-grateful for leftovers?  Well, in a way it means we are very blessed in that temporal way.  We aren't trying to scrape together meals every day.  Quite the contrary, in fact.  If we have leftovers, it means we have enough and to spare.  And for that, I am so very thankful.

What are you grateful for today?

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