Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Microwave

On Sundays at our house, we try to keep dinner simple.  It was something my husband felt was important, and I had no problem with that plan.  And nowadays when we have 1:00 church (and get home at 4:30), it makes me super-happy that I don't have to try to make a dinner.

What this  means for us is that we usually have leftovers.  As long as I've planned well through the week and thought ahead. 

In the event I didn't, I keep things like canned chili and hot dogs on hand for chili dogs.  Haha.

But usually we have leftovers.  And that's why I love the microwave.  It makes eating leftovers on Sundays so easy. 

I love the microwave for other things as well.  It's how I boil my water for my hot chocolate (Stephen's mint being the current awesomeness I'm savoring these days, thanks to two amazing friends).  I need to get a kettle, though...  I think this often.

I've recently discovered the joy of making a single serving of mac & cheese (from real ingredients -- though I have nothing against the blue box) in the microwave (thank you Pinterest).

We use it to warm up the water that in turn warms up the bottle for baby girl.

And I use it for the timer feature when I'm either a.) doing something like those crazy good bagels which require multiple timers; or b.) trying to not wake the baby from a nap with a loud brrrrrrrrrinnnng sound.

And, yeah, I know there are many who feel the microwave is a dangerous thing.  I can't say I've done research on it.  I just know that it's been helping me out for many years...  I can still remember our first microwave.  In fact, we were using it up until a few months back when my sister's broke.  So we gave her that one, since the apartment we're living in came with one.  That 20 year old microwave is still kickin' as far as I know.  We got it in 1992 while my mom was away helping out at a Young Women Girls' Camp for church.  I remember being so excited about her coming home to find out my dad had gotten her this present.  Funny the things you remember

What are you grateful for today?

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